Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Passion Works

Passion Works Studio, located in Athens, Ohio, is an art studio which provides an atmosphere of collaboration between artists with and without developmental disabilities. Founded in 1998, their website features a variety of artwork, including jewelry, ornaments, flowers, and greeting cards. The studio provides means for gainful employment for approximately 40 artists with disabilities. Among the items for sale on the studio's website, my favorite is the "Passion Flower" (pictured left).

In my opinion, the studio represents the basic essence of OT. I can't believe an OT isn't behind the whole operation. I mean, their vision statement alone SCREAMS OT.

"To create and live out a best practice model for collaborative art making between artists with and without developmental disabilities. This new mind set demonstrates that creativity is innately a part of all people and recognized that art enhances the quality of life and strengthens communities."

Next semester, we are required to take a grant-writing class. Last year, students in this course wrote a grant for a local business, won the grant, and made a job for herself with the funds. How amazing would it be if I could pull that off for Passion Works! Art + OT = my dream job! I need to do more research on what types of grants are available, and maybe take a trip to passion works to see if there is a need for OT services. The wheels are turning... and it's all because of this book we are reading for our leadership class, The Element by Ken Robinson. I'll post my writings on the book at a later date, but I'll give you the nutshell version real quick: A person's "element," is the place where "natural aptitude" meets "personal passion." Basically, you will be the happiest doing what you are good at and what you love to do. Not one or the other, but both.

Check out the Passion Works website by clicking on the title of my blog above. Pretty amazing stuff.

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