In one of my previous posts, I wrote about "Where OT is calling me." The post was originally an assignment for a class which touched on new practice areas emerging in the field. At the time I was wrote about transitioning high school students with developmental disabilities to jobs. Lately however, I have been leaning more toward working with individuals with SCIs. Because OT is such a broad field, even after my first year of grad school, I am not completely sure of specific treatments we might use with these patients. However, back in November, a boy who graduated from my high school a few years behind me was in a car accident and sustained a spinal cord injury. I think of him occasionally, and check out the Mansfield News Journal website for updates. Today I came across photos of him with his OT in Mansfield. Below is the link:
As sad as I am for him, this kind of thing makes me excited to begin my career. I only have to wait a year and a half now!